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Five for Friday {On a Saturday}

I know, I know.  I'm a day late, but I figured a day late is better than not at all.  :)

We continued working on building shapes.  This time we use Play Doh.  The students had so much fun making 2D and 3D shapes using their Play Doh!  The trickiest shape with the Play Doh was the cone.  The students weren't quite sure how to do it, but they tried which was the most important thing.  They thought it was so funny when they were asked to make a sphere.  There were many squeals of "That's so easy!"  

We have working on prefixes in our classroom these past two weeks.  I saw this pin on Pinterest and thought it looked great, but was a smidge too complicated for my Kinders.  So, like any good teacher, I modified it to fit the needs of my students.  We focused on the prefixes re- un-, and pre- during our lessons, so the students had to pick two words with each prefix to put on their rainbow strips.  Then, they colored the word "Prefixes" on their clouds, cut out their clouds, and glued on their rainbow strips.  I think they turned out great!

Want a copy of prefix cloud?  Click on the picture below for a free copy.

Clip art by Scrappin Doodles - Font by KG Fonts

Wednesday was World Autism Awareness Day, and we lit our house blue in honor of our son.  We have been doing this for several years.  This year one of our good friends also lit their house up blue for Colton.  I thought it was so sweet!

My students are just loving this brain break video!  They beg to do it again as soon as it's over!  Does your class have a favorite brain break video?

A little redundant maybe?  Well, the second 5 represents how many days we have until Spring Break.  Can't wait for a little break so I can come back and hit the ground running for all of the end of the year activities.

Have you had your Spring Break yet?

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  1. Love your blog. Found you through Five for Friday. My kids love to use Play Doh to create sight words. Really.....they love to create anything out of Play Doh!

    Lunch, Snacks, and Recess

  2. My students had a blast! I plan on bringing more Play Doh into to work on different skills. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


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