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Photo Dump! Part 1

I know that overall I have been pretty absent from my blog this past school year.  I did take quite a few pictures during my absence, so I thought I would share them with you.  {Like I said yesterday, better late than never.  :)}  I realized when I went to grab all my photos that I probably should split them up a tad bit.  So today I present to you "Photo Dump - Part 1."  {I do want to apologize about the quality of some of the projects.  I took all these pictures with my phone.}

We spent quite a bit of time in January learning all about penguins.  We made our  shape penguins. {Grab your free copy of this project here.}

We dot painted penguins.  {Some students didn't quite get the "dot" part of the project, but they were still very cute!}

We researched penguins and wrote a research paper.

We made these super cute Sentence Buddies.  Stephanie Stewart has this project on TpT for free!  Thanks Stephanie!

We had such a blast on Valentine's Day!  We did the traditional sorting of the Valentine hearts.  I had a really old copy of a sorting page that took up 2 pages that I had used for years, but I decided that I wanted everything done on just one page.  I made a new sheet, and it worked out wonderfully!  {Interesed?  Grab your copy here.}  (Clipart by Scrappin Doodles)

First the students sorted their candies on the left side of the sheet.  They then counted how many they had of each candy and wrote the number inside the picture of the heart.  

Students then used that number to complete the graph on the right side.

The students also had a ton of fun decorating their Valentine bags!  This year I decided to splurge and get these gift bags from Michaels.  When I went to pay for them, the cashier asked me if I was a teacher.  I guess the 27 white bags gave it away!  haha 

Well that is Photo Dump - Part 1!  Be back soon with Photo Dump - Part 2!

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