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About Me

Hi!  Thank you for coming to Teaching is Sweet!  I am a teacher who is passionate about early childhood education.  I have spent over 20 years in early childhood classrooms, and I have so much to share with you about what I have learned over the years.

I have had an unusual journey as a teacher.  I have taught  n three districts in three different states.  Each experience has helped shape me as an educator.  I began my teaching career in a small rural district in Kansas where I taught Second Grade for four years.  I then moved to Las Vegas where I taught for 16 years at two different schools in one of the largest districts in the country.  I spent 14 years at one school during this time.  I taught both Kindergarten and First Grade while in Las Vegas.  I currently teach Kindergarten in Washington state in a district that is "just right", not too big and not too small.

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[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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