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Looking Back: My First Classroom

I began my teaching career in an elementary school set in a small town in Kansas.  I loved working at this school!  The community was a wonderful community to work in.  In 2001, I meet my now husband and moved to Las Vegas in May 2002.  Wow!  I had such a culture shock.  I went from a class of 9 {yes, 9} students to team teaching 36 students.  I didn't think I was going to survive that first year here in Las Vegas, but I did.  I am so glad to be teaching here, but I sometimes miss my old classroom in Kansas.  I have been a little sentimental to all things Kansas lately, so I thought I would share some pictures of my very first classroom.  {Please excuse the fact that these are scanned pictures.  I took this back in the olden days.  haha}

Here you can see the closet doors, my desk,  and
my huge windows.  I love all tall the ceilings are
and my yellow walls.

Here is the other back corner.  You can see one of my
very large chalkboards.  Yes, I had chalkboards.

Here is a picture of my wonderful computers and door out to
the hallway.  I look at my door now, and I miss it a lot.  It was cute and there
was only one of them.  Remember the eight doors I have now?
 {I'm still protective of my kiddos even though these students are over 20 now. :)  }

Here's a picture of my front chalkboard.  My favorite chalk
was yellow chalk.  I made sure to order a few boxes
every year.  :)
My students went to Music and P.E. every day.  However, we did not have an art teacher.  I did an art project every Friday.  The next two pictures are two of the projects that I did with my students.

The students painted a tree with brown paint.  They then used a
q-tip to add brown, orange, yellow, and red leaves.  

For this picture, I used a KinderArt lesson {which amazingly is
still available 14 years later}.  The students were able to decide
if they wanted to color their flowers with cool or warm colors.
I still love looking at what a great job my students did!
{I did the two in the middle.  :) }
I hope you have enjoyed my little trip down memory lane.  Don't forget to like my Facebook page to get my Rainbow Quatrefoil papers for free under my Fan Freebies tab.

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