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Five For Friday - Back to Blogging Edition

Hi!  I know, I know.  It's been almost two months since I last blogged.  I wish I had a good excuse, but I really don't.  {haha}  I decided tonight's the night to get back into the game and share a little bit of what's been going on in my classroom this week.  What better way to do that than to do a little Five for Friday with Doodle Bug's Teaching.  

We began studying prefixes this week.  We started with the prefix "re-".  As I was looking for resources a few weeks ago, Lori at Teaching with Love & Laughter just happened to have a great freebie on her blog - My re- Prefix Book.  Can you say "perfect timing"?  We wrote the word with the prefix, wrote the meaning of the word, and then I had my students "highlight" the base words on the each page.  I was so proud of how quickly my students grasped the concept of base words.  Thanks Lori!

Our theme for the past few weeks has been community helpers.  We have been learning about different jobs in the community and what they use to do their jobs.  During center time, I had my students decide what job they would like to have and draw a picture of them doing that job. Here are a couple of my favorites.  :)

This is probably my absolute favorite.  He said he wanted to be
a "cleaner owner."  Notice the vacuum?  I head this same boy
tell his friends one day "I have a vacuum, a real one."  Love it!
Want a copy of the "My Future Job" page?  Click here for your copy.  {Border by Scrappin Doodles and font by KG Fonts}

We also worked on building and drawing 2D shapes this week.  I gave each student a baggie with six popsicle sticks and a small piece of yarn.  I named a 2D shape and the students had to decide how many sticks they needed to make that the shape.  The easiest ones were the square, triangle, and circle (with the yarn, of course).  The hexagon and rectangle were a little trickier, but they got it.  :)

We also completed I Am... A Book About Plane Shapes. { This is part of my 2D and 3D Shapes unit that you may have gotten as a freebie from my Facebook Page a few months ago.}  I had to help a few students draw a hexagon, but they did a great job drawing the other shapes.  After we drew the shapes, we labeled the edges and vertices.  I was so proud of how well they did completing this book!

This is what happens when you have a paper plate with glitter on it on top of a cabinet, you open your classroom door to the playground, and there is a large gust of wind.  Suffice to say, I apologized to the custodian about all the glitter on the floor.  She was so sweet and told me it was ok.  Thank goodness - one thing I remember from my education classes was to always stay on the good side of your school's custodian. ;)  {My husband was appalled by this picture.  It may be because we had a similar, um, incident at our house when my son did a little glittering without supervision.  This happened a few years ago, but I still haven't lived it down.  lol}

I leave you with one of our favorite brain break songs from Youtube.  Does your class have a favorite brain break video?  

Thanks for sticking with me!  I hope to share some more pictures this weekend about we have been up to the past few months.  See you then!

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  1. First I just want to say that I LOVE all the cute cupcakes on your blog! It's super cute! I really like your prefix books and popsicle stick shapes! :)
    Found your blog through Five for Friday and I am your newest follower. Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! Missy TheAdventuresofAClassyTeacher

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment! I love the cupcakes too!

    Thanks for becoming a follower! I'm off to check out your blog!


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