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What My Classroom Library Looks Like Now

If you have been a follower for awhile, you may remember my summer project of organizing my classroom books.  If you are you new, you can see my past posts here, here, and here.

One section of my library contains my books that stay in my library throughout the whole year.  These containers contain alphabet books, math books, and school themed books.  Books about Clifford, Froggy, and Biscuit are also housed here as "whole year" books.

The other section of my library consists of my seasonal/theme books.  As each season/theme comes around, I switch out the books in this bookcase.  There is always a buzz throughout the classroom when new books appear.  My bookcase currently houses Valentine books and books about teeth.  {This bookcase also makes it convenient for me to grab a read aloud when it is story time.}

I love how my classroom library is working this year.  It is always new and refreshing for the students.  They love to visit the library and even go there during "play center" time.  It always makes me smile when I see them make that choice.  :)

Thank you for letting me share my new classroom library with you.  I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow with your students!
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