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Five for Friday {On a Saturday - Again!}

I really need to get this done on a Friday sometime.  Anywho, again better late than never.  {I really need to get a new mantra... maybe.  haha}

I want to preface this picture by saying I never {and I mean never} win anything.  My assistant principal saw me in the hallway on Wednesday and told me I had to be on announcements on Friday.  {Fifth graders do a TV news show type program every morning that the whole school watches.}  I had no idea about why I had to be there.  Well Friday rolls around, go to announcements to find out I won a Kindle Fire HD!  How exciting is that!  My name was picked from a drawing from our Fun Run fundraiser.  My husband set it up last night for me and I got to play with it a little bit today.  It will be perfect for our car trips so that I don't have to take my large tablet!

I found some cute ideas on Pinterest for my son to give to his teachers, aides, and bus driver and his classmates.  Of course, I had to cutesy them up a bit!  I saw this super cute clipart on TpT and had to have it.  Clipart of a box of peeps - sign me up!

{I'm thinking of making editable versions of these tags as a freebie.  Would this be something you would be interested in?}

I went to Lakeshore on Tuesday.  I was in need of some smelly stickers for my class.  {My Kinders like love smelly stickers, but really who doesn't?}  After I picked up my stickers, I decided to take a little walk around the store to see if there was anything I needed.  I got over to the borders and found these!  How cute are they?  I bought two packages to use next year.  Now I need to figure out what else I can put with this.  I'm thinking light blue and lime green.  What do you think?

My bestie and I made these rabbits with our Kinder classes on Thursday.  We were so proud of how well they listened as this project was very difficult and had many steps.  They turned out so cute!  {If you can't tell, the noses on the rabbits "pop" out - hence the difficult part.}

My son is in love with pirates and pirate ships.  We have a plethora of toy pirate ships at our house.  Honestly, if there's a toy pirate ship, it's probably in our house.  {haha}  This morning I woke up to find that one of my favorite clipart artists just released a set of pirate of clipart.  There was no question that I would be purchasing it.  I showed it to my son and told him I was going to get it.  He let me know that he wanted to buy it and went to his bank to get the money out.  He brought it down to his dad and let him know that he wanted to buy the set.  How sweet is that!  Of course, we gave him back his money and I purchased it right away.  Tomorrow we have plans to make something with it.  I'm not sure what, but I know my son will love whatever it is.  :)

Thanks for stopping by for my Five for Friday!  If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen a few of these pictures already.  If you're not following me, I would love for you to join me!

Have a great Sunday!

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  1. Replies
    1. I loved getting smelly stickers when I was in school too! Maybe that's why I like to give them to students. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Thank you for showing me another clip artist. I am your new follower on instagram.
    Pauline at First Grade by the Sea

    1. You're welcome! I love clipart and am always happy when I find a new one! Thanks for following me on Instragram. :)



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