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New Look at Pinterest

Yesterday, I heard a little rumor that Pinterest was changing their look.  I figured it would be awhile before it rolled out, and I would jump on it when the time came.  Little did I know that that time would be sooner than later.  I logged in, and I was asked if I wanted to change it to the new look.  Um...yes please!

I thought I would take some screenshots to show you how it looks now if you haven't had the chance to switch your account over yet.  This is what the new feed looks like.  The pictures are much larger {which I love!}.  You can find all of the categories on the left hand side by using a drop down menu.  The drop down menu on the right allows you to look at your boards, pins, settings, etc.

This next picture shows what it looks like when you click on a picture to pin something.  I love how it shows more of the board that it's pinned from, as well as the original source.  Instead of just a few pictures, it has a scroll bar where you can look through and see if there is anything else that interests you.  You can also start following a board from this screen.  

The next picture shows what's under whatever it is you're pinning.  I love how it shows you so many great pins that you might be missing out on.  This pic only shows the top of the list.  It goes on and on.  Trust me - great stuff!

If you get asked if you want to switch to the new look, I highly recommend it.  I love it!  I would love it also if you checked out my boards and became a follower.  {My boards are currently in their infant stages. I decided to have an account for just my school "stuff", so I'm in the process of repinning some great pins as well as finding new ones!}  I would love to follow your boards too!

Happy pinning!
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  1. Amy, thanks for posting the screenshots. I haven't switched over yet because, just like with facebook, I'm not always fond of change. But, it does look interesting so I think I'll make the switch. Maybe...LOL!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. LOL! I'm not a huge fan of change either. In fact, it's kind of a joke between my husband and myself about how much I hate change. However, I'm loving the new look of Pinterest!



[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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