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I Have Been Reformed - I Love Write the Room!

Wow!  It's been almost a week since I have visited my little piece of the Internet.  I really meant to visit sooner - I really did.  However, my son woke up Wednesday night with an asthma attack.  Ever try to calm down a 7 year old boy with Autism while he's having an asthma attack?  Not fun.  Luckily, he can sign so he could still communicate with us.  Poor guy signed "Call the doctor to bring the van" (ambulance).  :(  My husband was already off work so I knew he was in good hands on Thursday.  He ended up staying home on Friday also.  I had difficulties sleeping the next few nights while listening for another attack.  Then on Saturday, my body decided "Hey Amy - you're on Spring Break.  Let's get sick!"  Good times let me tell you.  I'm so glad I didn't have to go to school today.  I would have been miserable!  Enough about me and my woes.  On to the actual education portion of my post.

Many, many years ago I tried out Read the Room and I hated it.  Yes, that's what I said.  I absolutely hated it!  The students in that group would be off task and bothering other students.  Well, then the next year I tried Write the Room and I hated it.  Again, students were off task and bothering others.  So, I gave up and had my students at different areas around the room, but NO moving around.  {Which I really didn't like}  All that changed about a month and a half ago when I found this super cute Write the Room freebie from Kindergarten Lifestyle.  I broke down.  It was too cute not to try.  So, I printed off the cards and answer sheets, placed the cards around the room, and hoped for the best.

To say it was a success is an understatement!  My students loved it!  They stayed on task and completed their work without bothering their classmates!  Score!

The next week, I decided to try my hand at a CVC write the room.  We were working on community helpers so I used that as my theme.  The students did such a great job!  The success was repeated.  I printed off my skills sheet and differentiated it for my students.  Some of my students were working on beginning sounds, others were working on identifying the medial vowel sounds in words, and still others were working on writing the entire CVC word.  I am definitely going to do more Write the Room activities in my classroom!

If you are interested in my Community Helpers Write the Room packet, you can find it here.  This packet includes two different write the room activities.  The first activity includes only CVC pictures.  The second activity includes CVCC and CCVC pictures.  It is currently on sale, but I would love to give away two copies to my followers.  Leave a comment about what you wanted to be when you were little.  {I wanted to be a teacher from a very young age.}  I will choose the winners on Wednesday night.

I am having a Spring Break sale at my TpT store now through Wednesday.  I would love for you to visit!

Whether you are on Spring Break or at work tomorrow, I hope that you have a wonderful Tuesday!
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[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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