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Five for Friday - Spring Break Edition!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  {Spring break edition of course.  :)}

1.  I changed my Pinterest account to the new look, and I'm loving it!  It feels so much easier to navigate, and I love the larger pictures!

2.  I also changed up my reader for my blogs.  As you may or may not know, Google Reader is going away on July 1st.  I really, really, really do not like change.  {Ask my husband.  lol}  So changing two big things in one week is a little much for me, but I survived.  :)  I decided to go with Feedly as my new reader.  I like the way it shows a picture from each blog, and how each "page" only shows a total of six blogs.  I am sad that my precious Google Reader is going by the wayside, but Feedly is a good alternative.  Here is a screenshot of what it looks like on my phone.

3.  My bestie and I did a little scrapbooking this week.  I have a Cricut and quite a few cartridges.  I love sitting down and putting a page together.  We had so much fun and even got a few pages done. ;)

4. My son and I went to the new Discovery Children's Museum here in Las Vegas on Thursday.  It was so much fun!  There was a pirate ship to play on for my obsessed pirate ship boy, a water play area, an art area, and so much more!  They currently have an exhibit on George Washington and had a set of his dentures on display.  I know, kind of gross, but kind of neat too.   I read George Washington's Teeth to my students during our President's Day activities.  I can't wait to show them these pictures I took!

Here's a picture of my son that I took just for fun.  

5.  Easter is coming and many children enjoy waking up to see what kind of candy the Easter Bunny left in their baskets.  Not my son.  He doesn't like candy.  Trust me, I've tried.  lol  However, he does enjoy marshmallows, so I am making him a bag of bunny tails.  I plan on putting marshmallows in a baggie and adding the tag below.  He will love it!  If you would like a copy of the tags to make your own bag of bunny tails, you can get the pdf here.

Clipart by Scrappin Doodles

Thanks for joining me for my Spring Break edition of Five for Friday!  
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  1. Ugh... Washington needed to brush a bit more! I am sure that your kiddos will love the pics though! I found your adorable blog through the five for friday! I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

    1. I agree - they are pretty gross. lol

      Thanks for following!

  2. Your blog is super cute! Found you through Five for Friday :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a new follower. :)



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