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Happy Thanksgiving!

I know, I know.  I'm a horrible blogger! {again!} Someday I'll get this blogging regularly thing down.  Haha! 

Before time gets away from us and that other big holiday gets here, I wanted to share a few things that my Kinders made for Thanksgiving.

The first thing I wanted to share with you is our annual cornucopia family project.  At the beginning of the month, I sent home a packet that contained a template for a cornucopia and fruits/veggies.  My Kinders worked with their families to decorate and put them together.  This is one of my favorite projects every year.  I just love what my students came up with this year!

We also made these cute turkeys from Ms. Makinson again this year.  Love them!

My students have been loving making crowns this year, so I whipped up an "I am thankful" crown for them to make.  They turned out so cute!  I wish I could show you all their smiling faces with their crowns on, but here is an example of one of my Kinder's crowns.

One of my Kinders drew a picture of me on her crown.  So cute!

Thanks for stopping by today!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had my husband's family over today and had a wonderful time.  We ended the afternoon with our family tradition of s'mores by the pool.  Yummy!  Do you have any Thanksgiving Day family traditions?  

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