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Five for Friday - Halloween Style

It's been quite a few weeks since I've posted anything, so I thought a little Five for Friday with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching was a good way to jump right back into things. 

We started up math centers a few weeks ago, and my students are loving them!

We have been working hard on our color words lately.  My Kinders completed this color words skills sheet and then played a color words matching game.  

I am so proud of my Kinders.  They are working so hard at sounding out unknown words!  One of my Kinders completed this during literacy center time.

Today is Nevada Day, so we celebrated Halloween yesterday with a costume parade and party.  My Kinders had such a great time!  We played lots of fun games like mummy bowling, spider web splat, pumpkin ring toss, and tape the ghost to the Haunted House.  I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the cute ghosts for the game.

It's always a nice reminder why we do what we do.  Our students are the reason we are teachers.  All the "stuff" we are required to do is secondary.  I got this reminder just when I needed it.  Funny how that happens, huh?

Thanks for joining me for my Five for Friday!  Hope you had a great Halloween!
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  1. Your halloween celebrations sound like lots of fun - I'm intrigued by mummy bowling!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. It was a lot of fun! My students had a blast! Mummy bowling was a game that I found in the Halloween section at Target.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Isn't it funny how one note from a kid can change everything? I got a note the other day that said "school sucked before you were my teacher." Of course, my kiddos are in fifth grade so they are bit less innocent, but it seriously made me smile (until I had to tell him not to say "suck" anymore in school). I am a new follower, I found you through Doodle Bugs link up! Your blog design is super cute. :)

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

    1. Yes, it is. :) I had to laugh about your note you received. Fifth grade is definitely different than Kinder, but I'm glad you received a special note too.

      Thanks for stopping by and becoming a new follower!

  3. I really want to know more about mummy bowling. It would be a great way to include with our bowling unit as we plan for our Special Olympics Bowling event that typically falls the week of Halloween.

    Teaching is a Royal Adventure

    1. Hi! Mummy bowling is a game I bought at Target in the Halloween section. I can send you a picture of what it looks like if you email me at

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love seeing the invented spelling in kinders this time of year! It is so fun to see the growth as they start putting sounds together.
    For your little ghost cutouts do you have a cricut? (spelling?) Is it your own or from school? I would love to have my own - I love having my own laminator and in my dream home I would have both and perhaps a really big copy machine/printer that is fast! haha the dreams of a teacher :)
    Glad I found another kinder teacher blogger! Happy November!


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