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Sunday Smorgasbord

I am linking up with Michelle over at Fabulous in First for her fun linky - Sunday Smorgasbord!

So, there's been a lot of just "stuff" that's been going on in the past few weeks so I thought this would be the perfect way to do it!  Thanks Michelle!

This is what my classroom looked like after I cleaned everything up during our last teacher work day.  Can I say how excited I was that my principal said that we could leave things up that we were going to use next year?  It was so nice to not take everything down!  I might change up my theme this next year, but at least I have a base to change things up instead of starting completely over.

We went to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure a few weeks ago, and I have to say this is one of my fav pics from this trip.  I just love when my husband catches my son signing.  Plus, this shows how big my son is getting.  Can't believe I'm going to have a third grader!

Last Monday, I weighed myself and it was not pretty.  I thought "Hmm, I wonder if all the candy I've been eating has anything to do with it."  Now, if you've read my blog for long you might remember that I love candy.  No, I don't like candy - I love it.  I decided that I should probably hold off on it for a little while and see what happens.  I haven't had any candy since last Sunday, and I've lost 5 pounds!  I thought I would loose a little bit, but never thought it would be that much!  I can't say that I won't ever eat candy again, but for right now I'm happy to stay away from the yummy stuff.

Last night, we had a little camp out in the backyard.  My son and husband roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.  {No, I didn't eat any smores - remember the no candy thing. ;) }  My son didn't actually eat his s'mores.  He doesn't eat candy or graham crackers {he has some food aversions due to Autism}, but he had a blast making it! After s'mores, he got his jammies on and jumped into the tent.  We all got in and read some stories before bed.  I then left my husband and son to sleep, and I went inside.  Now, we didn't think Colton would actually sleep in there all night, but he did!  We were so proud of him!  Now he wants to go camping for real. That probably means I'll have to sleep in the tent too.  ;)

I have two camping/s'mores freebies over on my Freebies page if you're interested in jumping over to grab them.

Thanks Michelle for this fun linky!
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