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End of the Year

Today marks two weeks since my last day of school.  This year had its ups and downs, but it definitely ended on a high note!

We had a fun filled last 3 days of school.  On Monday, we had our annual Kindergarten Promotion program.  I don't know why I stress about it every year, but I do.  My Kinders did such a great job singing and signing our 5 songs.  Our school got an awesome new principal in February.  At the program, he said such nice things about me and my bestie.  It really meant a lot to us.

On Tuesday, my class and my bestie's class went out to watch the Teachers vs. Fifth Grade kickball game.  It was fun to see how grown-up some of my former students were.  The teachers were fun to watch too!  The best part was our principal playing in his suit.  Yep, he came out to watch and ended up in the game.  The teachers won and remain undefeated!

Our last day was so much fun.  We watched our slide show, had donuts, did the hula, drew with chalk, blew some bubbles, and had some ice cream.  Basically, my Kinders got to be kids.  The playground looked great with all the chalk drawings! {In my defense of the sugar high, I wasn't planning on donuts and ice cream. A student brought the donuts for her birthday.  :)}

I leave you with this picture.  This was a page from one of my student's portfolio.  It reminded me that no matter the ups and downs, the students are the most important part of teaching.  All of the other stuff is a distant second.

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