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Johnny Appleseed Letter Name/Sound Recognition Game

Wow!  I can't believe it's been a month and a half since the last time I posted.  Ok, maybe I can.  It has been crazy around here.  I wish I could share with you all the craziness that has been the beginning of my school year, but you probably wouldn't believe me.  Yep - that crazy.  Here's hoping that that week number 5 = normal (well for Kindergarten anyway).

I wanted to quickly share with you a game that I made last year to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday.  (I was super excited that it was one of the free 10 downloads in the newsletter last year!)

The game comes with three different sets of game cards.  One set has lower case letters only, one set has capital letters only, and the third set has both capital and lowercase letters.  To play, put letter cards in a pocket chart and place Johnny Appleseed behind one card.  Students name a letter (or sound) and look behind it to see if Johnny is hiding there.  Such a fun game!  Students love it!

You can get your copy {here} from Google Drive or {here} from Teachers Pay Teachers.

If you want more of a challenge, I also made a Dolch primer level version of the game.  You can a copy of this version {here} from Google Drive or {here} from Teachers Pay Teachers.

I hope that you can use one {or both} of these games in your classroom.  Have a wonderful first day of Autumn!

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