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My Teacher Always Says Linky & Bloglovin'

I have to say that I am just loving my summer.  My parents arrived the day after I was done with work and brought me my yummy nut rolls.  I may have had one within the hour of my parents' arrival. ;)  We had a lot of fun with them and even made a day trip to Disneyland.  They left last Thursday to head back to Kansas.  Later that same day, my bestie had her baby.  He.Is.A.Cutie!  I teased her all through the last month of school that she couldn't have him at until school was out. {lol}  Then on Friday, my little family took a long weekend trip to Legoland, the beach, and the Maritime Museum in San Diego.  We had a great time!  Colton loved the beach and had fun writing and drawing in the sand.  

I have spent the past few days recuperating from the beginning of my summer break.  Colton and I have been doing a bit of school work every day, made homemade brownies (yum and double yum!), and made a few art projects.  It's been great!  I've also done my share of blog stalking.  I mean I could clean my house, but what fun is that?  lol

Well, on quite a few blogs I follow I saw this super fun linky that Forever in First was having.

I know that there are things that I always say in my classroom.  I even joked with my assistant this past year that I needed a tape recorder with all my repeated phrases on it.  lol

Here are some of the things that I always say in my classroom.

I always say this when I'm getting ready to start an activity or trying to get my students' attention.  This always makes them laugh.  As time goes on, they usually end up saying the last word on their own.

I usually say this when things don't go the way we want them to.  I want the students to know that's it's ok, and we can just move on.  I sometimes follow this up with "Man, those cookies - always crumbling." 

These two kind of go together.  My students tend to make big problems out of small problems.  I want the students to identify problems that they are able to solve and ways to solve those problems.  They also like to tell me about what other students are doing.  I like them to know that it is my job to worry about all of the students, and it is their job to worry about themselves.  

This is my absolute favorite thing that I say in my classroom!  I want each child to try their very best at everything that he/she does.  I let my students know that this is what I expect of them.  They know this too, and can tell you that they should always try their best.  :)

It's always fun to read what other teachers always say in their classroom.  Jump over to Forever in First's linky to read some more great lines.  :)

Also, I'm sure that you have heard the news about Google Reader and the dreaded July 1st date.  If you haven't switched over your blogs yet, you still have about a week and a half to get everything switched. I would love it if you would continue to follow me through Bloglovin' using the link below.  Thanks!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Well, I am off to get some laundry done and maybe even start on a product. I haven't made anything new in many months and I'm itching to use some clipart for something.  Have a great day!
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  1. Amy, I so appreciate that you joined in with my linky. Thank you for taking the time to do that. I so totally understand small and big problems. They sometimes get the two confused, huh? :) Thanks again!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thanks for the great linky Tammy, and thanks for stopping by!


  2. I'm also constantly asking kids if it's a small problem or a big problem. A few kids are still working on - it's a small problem, but you really need to know ... One day they'll get it!

    rubberboots and elf shoes

    1. Yes, we seem to work on it the whole year. I even think I had this conversation on the last day of school. :) Thanks for stopping by!



[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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