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Five for Friday - Summer Edition #1

Wow!  It is so good to be back.  I have been in a blogging funk.  Not only with writing on my own blog, but reading all the fabulous blogs out there.  I don't know how many times I have over 200 blog posts to read on Feedly and clicked them to just be marked as read.  I am going to try my hardest to be a better blogger and follower.  :)

Yesterday was my official last {work} day at school, so I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my first summer edition of Five for Friday!

1.  Here are some of the projects that were put in my students' portfolios that they took home on Tuesday.  It was so much fun to look at all of the things that we made throughout the year!

2.  It is getting very, very warm here in Las Vegas.  Yesterday, I was getting ready to check out of my classroom when my husband sent me this picture.  {And for those of you who remember from my Spring Break Five for Friday, my husband did end up buying a new car near the end of April.}

Don't worry though. He said it went down to 116 degrees.  haha
3.  On my way home from work, I stopped by and got one of these yummy drinks.  I have tons {and I really mean tons} of gift cards to use this summer.

4.  Being the Teacher Mommy that I am, I couldn't let my son just waste away the summer.  I know today is only his second day off.  Ok, so really he's just really into Star Wars right now and Tanya Dwyer has a great Mini-book Writing and Rubrics Freebie that just so happens to have a section with a Star Wars theme.  There is also a Princess theme and some great themed writing pages.  Colton loved writing his own Star Wars story!

5.  My parents are almost here from their 2 day drive from Kansas.  I am so excited to see them!  I am also excited about what they are bringing me.  Yummy nut rolls from a bakery in my mom's home town of Clay Center.  Can't wait to have one {or two}!

Not my picture, but this is what they look like.  Can.not.wait!

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  1. Now I'm starving! I badly want a blended coffee & a nut roll!! By the way, I live in KS (close to Wichita, so that's not exactly anywhere near Clay Center) but I should road trip this summer & find the bakery that makes those yummy looking things! Trip on over to my blog, if you can, for a super summer giveaway: a calendar set today, and a chance at some great TpT sellers' packets on Monday!

    1. I may, or may not, have had a nut roll within the hour of my parents' arrival. {lol} That would be a little trek from Wichita to Clay Center, but in my opinion, definitely worth it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. 121 degrees....oh my!! It was in the mid-90s here last week and I was roasting! :) Happy summer!!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

    1. Yes, it has been quite warm here. It's only supposed to get to 101 today. That will be a nice change of pace. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Congrats on your last day! Thanks for sharing the Writing and Rubrics Freebie--AND I'll take one of those nut rolls! Just found you today through Five for Friday and am a new follower!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

    1. Thanks for stopping by! The nut rolls were very yummy. :)


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