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Flower Sight Word Practice

So I was perusing through some pictures from last school year this morning.  I was having a great time looking at all the fun and realized I didn't share this super fun word practice that my students completed a while back.

My class works on five sight words for about two weeks.  During our morning activities, we practice reading and spelling these words.  We also work on them during center time.  Sometimes we stamp our sight words words.  Sometimes we rainbow write them.  For this center, students chose a flower sight word card.  They then got a marker to write the words on the petals of the flowers.  Each flower had it's own sight word.  Once all of the petals were complete, the students colored the rest of the flowers and the dirt.  The students loved this center!

I wanted to share this with everyone on Teachers Pay Teachers, but I didn't think everyone would like to use the words who, come, what, that, and but.  I mean they are awesome words, but not everyone uses the same words throughout the year.  So I decided to try something new {for me anyway}.  I made an editable PowerPoint!  I was so proud of myself!  {haha}  First of all, I don't usually use PowerPoint to make my products - I like to use Publisher.  Secondly, the whole securing clipart scared me for a bit.  I got it figured out though.  I can't wait to make more editable files!

If you would like your own copy of this fun activity, please click on the picture below and it will take you to the file.

Have a great evening!

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  1. Such a cute way to practice sight words. Love the editable version. Thanks so much!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by!



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