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Five for Friday - Summer Edition #3

Once again, I am linking up with Doddle Bugs Teaching for the oh so famous Five for Friday.  I have to say this is probably most random set of pictures that I have ever shared.  Random is good though.  :)

My son had his dentist appointment on Tuesday, and I snapped a pic of this x-ray to send to my husband.  Why would I take a pic of my son's x-ray you ask?  This is the first time that he has ever let them take an x-ray.  We have been going for years, and this was, by far, his best appointment.  He even opened up wide for the dentist.  Thank you Mercer Mayer for the book Just Going to the Dentist!  {Ok - call me crazy, but I think the x-ray is cool too.  I had never seen a child's x-ray before (see above).  I love how you can see the adult teeth just waiting to come up.}

I mentioned last week how much I loved  This is my creation from this week.  I made black bean and corn quesadillas with homemade tortillas.  Yummy!  My husband liked them too, but he kept giving me a hard time about them being "vegetarian."  {He enjoys his meat.}

Yesterday, my son and I played a rousing game of Candyland.  I love that our version looks like the old-fashioned version that I played when I was little.  None of that newfangled Candyland for us. No, thank you!

I was looking through my purse the other day and kept pulling out Starbucks gift cards.  I decided to pull them all out and see how many I had.  Yep - that's 14 of them.  I probably should start using some of those babies up.

A colleague of mine posted this on Facebook last week, and I thought I would share it with you.  My husband does not find it humorous, but I'm sure you do!  :)

Thanks for checking out the randomness that I call my week!

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