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Math Monday: Comparing Numbers

Welcome to my second installment of Math Monday!  I'm so proud of myself - two weeks in a row.  ;)

Today, I am going to be talking about comparing numbers.  We have been working hard on comparing numbers in our classroom.  The first thing we did was to make three anchor charts.  We spent one day on greater than, one day on less than, and one day on equal to.

After we made our charts, we played a friendly game of Compare {otherwise known as War}.  I gave each pair of students a deck of number cards.  Depending on the day, either the card with the greater number won or the number that was less won.  They were excited when they got a WILD card, because a WILD card always won!  If the cards were equal, each child got his/her own card back.  As I walked around the room, I could hear my Kinders talking about which card was greater than or less than.  Made my heart smile.  :)

Another activity that we do in our classroom is to play Squeeze.  We are currently playing our Valentine version.  To play Squeeze, I pick a number between 0 and 50.  Students take turns picking a number.  I then use the terminology "greater than" and "less than" to move either of the Valentine bears until the secret number is "squeezed" between the bears.

If you would like your own copy of Valentine Squeeze, please click on the picture below.

What are some of the ways that you practice comparing numbers in your classroom?

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  1. I love your math Monday idea. I started with a main idea Monday (main idea is a goal in our CIP) but unfortunately have not been as diligent as you. P.S. I am your newest follower!

    The Cornerstone Classroom

    1. Hi Jessie! Thanks for stopping by! I am trying really hard to stay on this schedule. I really enjoy teaching math, so it seemed like the perfect thing to focus on once a week. :)



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