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Back to School Jitters Linky Party

Happy Monday everyone!  Today has been quite the productive day for me.  I worked on my book sorting project, and I made my ABC and numbers posters. Apparently I work well under pressure!  Our first "official" day back is the 22nd, but we will be able to get into our classrooms this Friday.  I can't wait to get started!

Today I am joining Jessica at A Turn to Learn in her Back to School Jitters Linky Party.  First Day Jitters is one of my favorite back to school books!  I love how it shows students that teachers are people who get nervous too.  Click on the picture below to hop over and check out this fun linky.

Back to School Jitters Linky Party

Here is my list of back to school jitters. {Love the Lego guy icons.  I was immersed in Legos last week at Legoland.  :) }

*Every year I get so excited to see my class list.  I love to see if I have any families from the past.  Last year I had a little girl that I knew from when she was 2 and her brother was in my class.  This year I know that I have a boy whose sister was in my class a few years ago.  {I haven't actually seen my list.  They caught me at the grocery store.  haha}

*I want to be organized this year.  I say it every year, but this year I am going to be organized.  I have a plan in mind.  Let's see if I can stick with it.  :)

*I am in love with my new blue and zebra theme this year!  I love my pillows for my library area, my book bins, my alphabet line, etc.  Can't wait to put it all together!

*I became a teacher to teach children.  I think sometimes I let other "stuff" get in the way of that.  My main goal this year is to stay focused on my students and their learning.  I feel that if we step back and remember why we became teachers in the first place, we will find that the "stuff" is not so important.  {I hope that this isn't too cryptic or a downer.  I just needed to get that out. :) }

Jump over to A Turn to Learn to join the Back to School Jitters party!
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  1. Great advice to remember! I have a little girl coming up into my class this year who was born when I had her sister in Kinder! I'm getting old. :)


  2. Love your advice to remember! We all have to remember why we got into this job! And I always want to be more organized... I think I spend hours re-organizing things that are already organized but I think it's my therapy lol!

    Thanks for linking up!

    A Turn to Learn

  3. Organization is NOT my strong point, so I hope I can start strong and just keep it up from there. :) I hope for good things for both of us!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. I love that you get excited when you get past families . . . I do too. I have nine siblings this year and it is so stinkin' comforting. Great list my friend.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory


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