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Baby Giraffe Cuteness

I mentioned in yesterday's post that our family had just returned from San Diego.  One of our stops in San Diego was the zoo.  I have very fond memories of going to the Topeka Zoo growing up.  I loved seeing the animals and learning all about them.  Well, I wanted Colton to have the same kind of memories.  Turns out, he's not into animals.  :(

We walked around the zoo for a little while.  Colton basically took about a second to look at each animal and then he wanted to move on.  We finally decided to take the bus tour so that Mommy would at least be able to see most of the animals.  Colton decided that we were going to sit on top of the double decker bus.  We got our seats and we were off.  As the bus driver/tour guide drove us around the park, we realized that we sat on the wrong side.  All but one of the animals were on the right side.  We sat on the left.  Yes, you could stand up to check out the animals, but it was difficult to see over all of the other people.  I told my husband that I was kind of disappointed and that next time we should sit on the other side.  Not more than a minute after I made that comment, we came up to the giraffes on our side.  I was so happy to be able to see them well.  Turns out we had the best seats in the house.  That morning a baby giraffe was born.  Our tour guide told us we would probably not see the baby.  A second later we saw this cute little guy {or girl - they didn't know yet} come from the building with his mother!  Your should have heard all of the excitement.   I have to say that this is probably one of the cutest things that I have ever seen!

Well, yesterday I couldn't get that cute baby giraffe out of my mind.  I remembered seeing a giraffe clip art picture at My Cute Graphics and I just knew I had to do something with it.  I came up with numeral, number word, and tens frame matching cards for numbers 0-10.  I also included two skills sheets.  One sheet has the students coloring in a tens frame to match a numeral and the other has the students cutting out number words to match to tens frames.  You can get the packet {here}.

Also, don't forget about the big Back to School Sale at Teachers Pay Teachers!  My store is 20% off today and tomorrow!  Use the code BTS12 to get an extra 10% off my sales price for a total of 28%.

Thanks again to A Turn to Learn!

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