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A Unique Year

This has been a unique year for me. I moved down to Kindergarten from First Grade and this was my son's Kindergarten year. I say it's his "Kindergarten year" because he has Classic Autism and has been in a self-contained class since he turned 3.  Colton has the best teacher and in January she started taking him into a gen-ed classroom daily to be around his peers (his gen-ed teacher is great too).

I was so happy to be going to Kindergarten (especially since my bestie was moving down with me). I was also scared because I didn't know how I would feel to be around students who were the same age as Colton. Would I be upset all year because my students could do things that my son couldn't do? Turns out, I love being around my students all day. Truth be told, I feel like I can relate better to my students this year.

The best thing about having your own personal Kindergartner at home is that you can practice some things before you take them into your classroom. I know I said Colton has autism, but he is so stinking smart (I know ~ I'm his mom, I'm supposed to say that, but he really is).  He doesn't talk, but he uses sign language to get his point across.  He knows his letters and sounds (he identifies them when you say them), can add and subtract and writes awesome sentences sounding out words that most of my Kinders can't.  {Funny sidenote, one night Colton had to write two sentences for homework and he Kinder spelled a word. My husband wanted me to tell Colton how to spell it correctly. I told him no and we almost got into a fight. LOL}

So anyway, back to my own personal Kindergartner.  Colton did not get homework last week so I pulled out a  project that I made for my class to practice combinations of 10.  He did such a good job. He wrote his addition sentence and colored the pictures to match.

Now, the teacher in me wishes he would have colored nicer and written his numbers neater, but the mommy in me is so proud of my little guy.

I have had such a fun year teaching my Kinders and being a Mommy to a Kindergartner.

Click here for your own copy of the Combinations of 10 book.
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