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My Last Two Days of School

I can't believe how quickly this school year has flown by!  It seems like just yesterday I welcomed my Kinders in my classroom, and on Thursday I told them goodbye.  We had quite the busy week last week.  Monday was our Kindergarten promotion.  We sang five songs for our families, and I have to say my Kinders rocked it!  Tuesday, we completed some last minute learning.  Wednesday and Thursday were completely for fun!  I want to share with you some of the fun from the last two days!

I knew that it was going to be a good day when this beauty was waiting in the teacher's lounge for me to grab up.  Ok, so it wasn't waiting just for me, but I sure am glad I got to it before it was gone.  So yummy! {Our super office manager got donuts for the school, and this is my absolute favorite one of the bunch.}

Ok, onto the fun in the classroom.  My bestie and I decided that we wanted to do some fun crafting.  She tackled one project in her classroom, and I tackled another in mine.  The kids did some picture  and word searches while we pulled them to do the projects.  

My bestie's project was a fireworks project.  First the students took white crayon and drew a city scene on the bottom half of a black piece of construction paper.  She then had students "draw" fireworks on with white glue.  Finally, the students had a blast with glitter!  Glitter was everywhere! So fun!  I mean, really, who doesn't love glitter?  {I mean besides my husband and custodian.  lol}

My project was marble painting.  I had the students come over and sit on my carpet in a row.  I had them write their name on their paper.  Then I put their paper in the art trays, added blue and red paint, and handed them off!  The students had so much fun watching the marbles make designs on their paper!  Once the papers were dried, my bestie and I cut out the stars that were on the paper.  Our Kinders were so excited to see their finished projects!

At the end of the day, my Kinders went home with these envelopes filled to the brim with projects that they completed throughout the year, their year long portfolios, and their poetry journals.  The students made the covers the second week of school by tracing their names with glue and tearing different colored pieces of construction paper.  I then laminated them and added a plain piece of construction paper to the back to make the envelope.  I wish I could show you the whole name, but I think you get the idea.  :)

My Kinders were so proud as they carried their envelopes out to their waiting families at the end of the day!

Thursday was a half day, but packed full of fun!  We started off with a little dance party.  We then went outside for a little chalk fun.  A group of my Kinder girls drew me a house with a pool and casita.  One of the girls then "sold" it to me for $300 and gave me $25,000 in change.  Not a bad deal if I say so myself!

As I walked around, I found these two spots on the playground.  Super sweet!

After the chalk fun, we went inside to watch our slideshow that my bestie made for us.  It's always fun to see their reactions when they see themselves on the screen!  We watched for a little bit and then went outside for some bubble fun.  After they were bubbled out, we went inside for a little snack and watched a video until it was time to go home.  My Kinders went home with a copy of the slideshow, a book from me, their report cards, and a hug!

Thanks for stopping by to read about my last two days with my Kinders!
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