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Five for Friday {On a Saturday}

It has been crazy, crazy here these past two weeks.  My husband's car went into the shop for repair a dent leaving me without a car.  The AC on the bottom floor of our house stopped working correctly.  We went on a four day vacay to Disneyland.  Friday felt like Saturday, and yet I'm still a day late for Five for Friday.  But, remember one of my favorite sayings is better late than never!

Thanks again to Kacey for hosting!

I had a little mini-makeover done on my little spot in the web.  I absolutely love it!



Do you remember the little tidbit I shared above about our downstairs AC?  This is why we got it fixed as quickly as possible.  It has been H-O-T hot here in Las Vegas.  I took this picture yesterday at about 1:00.  We try to stay inside as much as possible.  We have a pool, but it's even too hot to get in unless it's early morning.  How hot has it been where you live?

I went to a two day training last week.  At the end of the training, we each received a copy of this book.  I own other books by Debbie Diller, but not this one.  I look forward to reading this in the next few weeks.  Have you read this book?  

We have three hummingbirds that live in the tree in our front yard.  They love drinking from the fountain we have.  It's so relaxing to watch them fly around!

Like I said above, we went to Disneyland for four days this week.  We had such a great time riding all the rides!  My son absolutely loves Disneyland!  He even got a little Disney magic when we were there.  Colton had been looking at a pin board and was interested in the pin below.  Unfortunately, we didn't have a pin to trade, but he was ok with that.  The cast member (CM) offered for us to get on a ride right away which was super nice!  I politely declined because we were meeting my husband at the Alice in Wonderland ride.  As we got off Alice, the CM was waiting at the exit and gave Colton the pin he had been admiring!  How super sweet was that!  She then took my husband and Colton to get on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride right away.  All I can say is that CM went out of her way to make my son's trip so special!  That afternoon, I made sure to go by City Hall to let them know about how great this CM was!  Have you ever received any Disney magic?

Thanks for stopping by for my {late} Five for Friday!

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  1. I am totally with you...better late than never. I was even later than you linking up. Your blog mini makeover looks great. I thought it was hot here, but you have me beat. Yesterday was 107 for us. I have that same book by Debbie Diller and it is on my list for this summer. Sounds like you had a great experience at Disney!

    Luv My Kinders

    1. I have to say 107 is still hot! I definitely enjoy staying in my air conditioned house most of the time!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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