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Five for Friday, um Sunday?

Ok, there's late and then there's really late.  I'm on the really late side of joining Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday.  I kind of have a good excuse, maybe.  lol  Friday, I was just plain tired.  It was a good week back to school, but you know how that first week back to school tired is unlike almost any other.  Yesterday, my son and I attended a birthday party for my husband's great-aunt.  {Ironically, my husband didn't attend.  He was out of town.} Then, we had to come home and get the house all ready for a play date/swim date at our house today.  It was a rousing success complete with a surprise birthday cake for me from my friends.  {Today is my b-day, but I'm not saying which one.  haha}  Anyway, as my husband calls me, here is Always Late Lattin with a Five for Friday on a Sunday.

This was my to do list last Sunday.  I'm happy to say that I completed everything but the crate seats and books by the time I went to bed Sunday night.  I still don't have my books or crate seats completed, but I'm ok with that.

After school on Monday, I stopped by my favorite little cupcake place and picked up a few cupcakes.  I thought I would try some new flavors, but the strawberry ones at the top continue to be my favorite.  Is it weird that I really dislike strawberries, but I love these cupcakes?

I taught my new Kinders my magic one scrap cutting trick on the second day of school, and I have to say it was a success!  So proud of them!

My students made my First Day of School Raccoon craftivity, on the third day of school.  {There I am again, late.  haha}  I can't wait to put the feelings part on the bottom and get them out in the hallway for everyone to see!

I decided to change up my theme this year.  Well, since I am no longer doing a zebra theme, I thought it might look a tad strange to have a zebra themed alphabet up on the wall.  So, of course, I had to make a new alphabet and number cards to match my new theme.  All I can say is that I am in love.  They look great up on the wall!  {I do with the pictures looked a little better.  I'll try to get some better pics soon.}

Thanks for joining me for a super late Five for Friday!  If you are in the U.S., have a nice and relaxing Labor Day tomorrow!

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