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I Teach K Highlights - Part 2

I am back with my second installment of my I Teach K Highlights.  I really hope you enjoyed the first part!


Session 1 - Morning Meeting Inspiration from Harry Kindergarten with Peter Harry
My students absolutely love, love, love the videos from Harry Kindergarten, so I was excited for this session.  I loved Peter's idea of a scrolling screen.  He uses PowerPoint to make a variety of slides that change daily.  These slides may have anything that is important for the day - field trips, what's for lunch, sight words, etc.  He then has this play continuously as the children are doing morning work.  Great idea!  I also liked his three rules/guidelines for song time: 1.  Stay in your space.  2.  Don't touch your neighbor.  3.  Be involved.  Peter also played one of my students' favorite songs from the past year.  Do you know this one?  Listen to it once, and trust me, you will be singing it all day!  {Don't ask me how I know.  haha}

Session 2 - First 30 Days for Literacy Centers! with Kimberly Jordano
Kimberly shared how she begins her literacy centers at the beginning of the year.  An "ah ha" moment was when she shared that she uses a completed work basket that students place their work in when finished.  I know, I know.  Simple right?  Apparently not for me since I've been doing it the hard way for the past few years.  I think I might try this this upcoming school year.  I usually quickly check center work in between rotations.  This could save several minutes each day that I could use teaching!  I also loved her table displays that she shared with us.  These displays showed what the work should look like when finished.  I may have to think of a way to do this!

Session 3 - Be Cool With Back to School with Cara Carroll
If you ever get a chance to go to a session that Cara is giving go, do not collect $200, just go.  I had so much fun listening to her stories.  She shared tons of cute and fun ideas to begin the school year.  If you have been a follower for any amount of time, you may remember I am the proud resident of a room with eight doors.  Cara shared about putting command hooks around the room and hanging anchor charts on them.  Hello eight doors, you now have a job!  I really don't have a lot of "wall space", but my door space will work quite nicely.

Session 4 - Teaching with Your Interactive Whiteboard:  Real, Learner Centered Fun with Julie Brinkley
 Julie shared how she uses "bundles" with her interactive whiteboard.  She shared how to use the Smartboard Notebook program to link videos and how get videos off of Youtube in case your school/district limits access.  A good website that she shared use is KeepVid.  I had heard of website that could do this several years ago, but had forgotten the name so I was happy that Julie shared it!


Session 1 - Reading, Rituals & Routines:  Engaging Every Child in Literacy with Greg Smedley
Greg shared a lot of great ideas that he uses in his classroom.  I liked his system of practicing sight words and the idea of "60" views of each word each week.  I especially liked the sight word grid that he shared.  I really need to step up my sight word game next year, and I may incorporate some of Greg's ideas.  I also liked how Greg had his students do an activity before they could start their center work.  This would be a great way to differentiate for students!

Session 2 - "I'm Done.  What Do I Do Next?"  Managing Your Early Finishers with Crystal Radke
Crystal shared lots of great ideas to keep those early finishers busy.  She gave a great list of items to have handy such as legos, tangrams, flash cards, etc. especially at the beginning of the year when students are still learning routines.  An idea that Crystal had was to always have counters and dice ready to go so that students can grab what they need when they need it.  Brilliant!  She also shared a ton of fun skills based games for students to play when they finish their work early.

Session 3 - Start with the Sounds: Phonemic Awareness, Activities & Fun with Amanda Bristline
I really enjoyed this hands on session with Amanda.  She made a great intervention bag with a ton of activities to do to work on phonemic awareness that we were able to take home at the end.  Amanda touched on all areas of phonemic awareness and shared basic ideas, hands on ideas, and online resources.  Many of the websites that she shared were ones that I had never heard of before.  One website that I really enjoyed was Professor Garfield - tons of fun games!

Well, that is the end of my round up of the I Teach K conference.  If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend attending.  You will learn lots of great ideas and have loads of fun!

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