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I Teach K Conference Handouts

This morning was a very busy morning.  First , my husband and I dropped off my son at ESY.  His ESY site is my school this year so it's kind of fun for him to be at "Mom's school" for the summer.  {He attends a different school during the regular school year.}  Then, my sweet husband went with me to get my fingerprints done for my license renewal.  After that, we went to the Dept. of Ed office to turn in all of my paperwork.  My husband then had an eye doctor appointment across the street.  I hung out and played on my phone.  We then went home and he may have taken a nap and I may have watched some judge shows {guilty pleasure - haha}.  I think we were both worn out!

Anyway, this evening I decided to get a little organized for the I Teach K Conference next week in Las Vegas. I decided that I wanted to put the handouts from my sessions onto Dropbox so that I could pull them up on my phone or Kindle.

First, I made a section for each day in my "I Teach K Conference Handouts" folder. 

I then saved each session in my folders by labeling it by which session it is, the title of the session, and who the presenter is. 

I am very happy with the way my "project" turned it!

Are you going to the I Teach K Conference? 

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