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Five For Friday - Spring Break Edition

What? Could it be?  Am I really posting a Five for Friday on a Friday?  Why, yes - yes I am!  I'm so proud of myself!

Being that it is Spring Break, I have been able to spend a lot of time with my little guy.  Ok, he's not so little anymore.  When did I become the mother of an 8 year old?  Anyway, back to what I was saying {typing?}.  My son and I went to the library on Tuesday to renew our library cards and check out some books.  I decided that we would take a little detour on the way home and go by the Dairy Queen.  When we go there, my son insisted that he wanted to get a banana split.  I tried to convince him to get an ice cream cone or a bowl of ice cream, but he was not having it.  I gave in and Colton had his very first banana split.  No, he did not eat the whole thing.  Not even close.  He ate the whipped cream, one banana, and a little bit of the ice cream on the chocolate side.  Was I upset?  Not one bit.  I was so proud of him for wanting to try something new!  {He has big food aversions.  As in such bad food aversions that it's in his IEP to not make him eat anything that he doesn't want to try.}

One of our neighbors dropped by on Tuesday and gave us a plate of rice crispy treat cupcakes.  We thought it was so sweet and wanted to return the generosity.  I decided to use my new Peeps cookie pan to make some Peep sugar cookies.  They came out so cute if I do say so myself!

Today I called SDE to sign up for the I Teach K conference!  I can't wait to go!  I've been in the past, but I didn't go last year.  This year I decided I definitely wanted needed to go.  Best part, no travel expenses.  Well, unless you count the gas to drive the 15 minutes down the road!  :)

I just love to cook and find new recipes.  This week I made a couple new recipes.  One was a crockpot lasagna recipe.  It was ok, but I'm not sure if I will make it again.  Tonight I made a Cafe Rio pork copycat recipe along with a new tortilla recipe.  This one was much better!  Delicious!  After we ate, we decided to leave the pork in the crockpot to soak up even more of the juices.  Even better!  We will definitely be eating these leftovers!  I do need to work on my tortillas though.  I didn't have a circle in the bunch, but I did have a lot of rectangles.  haha

Last week I shared with you a set of clipart from one of my favorite clipart artists.  Well, Sarah has opened her own store and is having a big sale starting tomorrow and Sunday!  Everything is going to be 35% off.  I wonder how much damage I'll do?  Probably a lot!

Thanks for stopping by for an actual Five for Friday!  Be sure to drop by tomorrow for an Anniversary surprise!

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  1. I tried to convince my administration to let me go to that conference in Vegas, but I don't think they believed I was actually wanting to go for the conference! :) Yeah, for your son for trying new foods-I haven't had a banana split in forever!

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. It's probably a little easier to convince admin when you already live here. ;)
      My son was so excited! I have to say I don't think I ever had a banana split growing up. I was more of a peanut buster parfait kind of gal. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!


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