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Thirteen in '13 Linky

I saw this fun linky around blogland and thought it was just what I needed to get the year over with finish off my year.  See, I have had a kind of yucky year and am impatiently waiting for the new year to begin.  {I won't go into all the yuckiness here, but I will say it has nothing to do with my class or husband/son.  Those two (3?) things have actually been the best things going this year.}  Anyway, no one came here to listen to me whine.  On with the show blog post.  Thanks to Hadar, Traci, and Kristin for hosting this linky!

13.  Favorite piece of clothing
Last Christmas, my mother-in-law bought me a sweater to wear over my shirts at work.  My classroom gets cool sometimes so I have always had a long sleeved shirt at school to wear.  This sweater looks so much nicer.  I have to confess.  I also wear it at home and in the car when we go on trips {my hubby likes to keep the car/house cool}.  I may be wearing it right now.  ;)

I am wearing it here.  Love it!
12.  Favorite Movie You Watched
My favorite movie that I saw in the movie theater was Frozen.  We took our son to see this movie earlier this month, and I absolutely loved it!

My favorite movie that I watched at home on Netflix was The King's Speech.  I thought it was such a good movie. {I may have to watch it again soon!}

11.  Favorite TV Series
Unfortunately, I don't have just one favorite.  My favorites are How I Met Your Mother, NCIS Los Angeles, and Blue Bloods.  I also enjoy Two Broke Girls, Elementary, Big Bang Theory, and Hawaii 5-0.  {I think I just realized why I've been neglecting my blog.  haha}

10.  Favorite Restaurant
Sadly, I no longer have a favorite restaurant.  I did yesterday, but not today.  We went to my fav restaurant today, and they changed their menu.  I had two entrees I liked and my husband had an entree he liked.  Guess what?  All three entrees were off the menu!  The waitress said they took a few items off the menu.  I guess the few items were the things we liked.  :(

I will have to answer this question now with my favorite fast food place - Cafe Rio.  I love the pork burrito and queso with chips.  Yum!

9.  Favorite New Thing You Tried
Kagan Strategies!  We had some inservice about Kagan Strategies in November.  I love using them in my classroom!  {I hope to write a blog post soon about this.}

8.  Favorite Gift You Got
I am going to have to break the rules again.  I have two favorite gifts, but they kind of go together.

I got my Silhouette Cameo as an early gift in November.  I haven't used it a lot, but I love it!  I also got a Cannon Selphy to print off pictures at home.  I can't wait to use these two new items to do a little scrapbooking!

7.  Favorite Thing you Pinned
I have two of these too.  {See a pattern here?}

I love quotes, and this one really spoke to me.

I laughed when I saw this one.  I showed it to my husband, and he didn't get it.  I guess it's a teacher thing.  :)

6.  Favorite Blog Post
It would probably have to be my post about how I set up my classroom tables.

5.  Best Accomplishment
I finally reached 200 followers on my blog this summer.  Thanks everyone!

4.  Favorite Picture

I snapped this picture of my husband and son watching the fireworks at Disneyland from Disney's California Adventure.  Normally Colton has to have his headphones on when the fireworks are going off, but since we were in the other park, he was able to enjoy them without.  :)

3.  Favorite Memory
My favorite memory this past year was probably going back to Kansas last January to see my grandma.  She passed away in June, and I was so happy that I got to see her one last time.

2.  Goals for 2014
Personal:  Make time for myself to do what I enjoy.
Home:  Use my cleaning schedule and meal planning apps.  :)
Professional:  Teach with rigor and intention.  Continue to make learning fun for my students and for myself!
Blog:  Post at least once a week.

1.  One Little Word
Challenge - I am going to try to challenge myself in different ways this year in order to achieve my goals.  It's not always going to be pretty or fun, but I need to do this for myself.  :)

Thanks for reading my Thirteen in '13!

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  1. Your grandma visit was important. My mom is 80 years old now and I'm lucky to live in the same town. I have 7 siblings who try to visit often and it truly makes her day! Fun gifts! I could use the printer for sure.

    1. Yes, It was. I am so glad that I was able to do it. :)

      The printer is so much fun! I love that I am able to take a picture and print it off right away. :)



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