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Sad Day

I have been in a funk lately with my blog.  I sit down to write, but nothing comes out. However, before school I decided that tonight I was going to come out of the funk. I had a blog post in mind and was excited to get back in the groove of things.  I'm sad to say this isn't that post. :(

My principal called a meeting this morning before school.  We thought this was a little unusual since we didn't know about it ahead of time.  At the meeting, our principal informed us that our night custodian, Mr. Bob, was killed last night by a drunk driver on his way home from work.  Today was a very sad day at school. :(

Mr. Bob was a wonderful man.  He always had a kind word.  He would talk to me about my son and Disneyland.  He was always willing to help with anything that was needed.  He will be greatly missed. 

Please keep Mr. Bob and his family in your thoughts tonight.  Thank you.

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  1. I am so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mr. Bob's family.

    1. Thank you so much! It was a tough week to get through.



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