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Math Monday: Hexagons

My topic for this week is hexagons.  I have a  love/hate relationship with the hexagon.  It is definitely a great shape, but oh so hard to teach.  My Kinders can identify lots of things that are in the shape of circle, squares, rectangles, and triangles.  But when I ask about examples of hexagons, you could hear crickets chirping in my classroom.  I really don't blame them.  There are not a lot of examples of hexagons out there.  The most common example of a hexagon is honeycomb.

Well, I have been on a mission for the past few months to find other examples of hexagons.  I have to say I get unnaturally happy when I see a hexagon nowadays.  The first two examples are actually from a trip to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure.  The first one is from the Finding Nemo submarine ride waiting area.  Yep, I took a picture of the lights.  Have you ever had a "You know you're a teacher" moment?  Yep, that was me when I took a picture of lights.  lol

This next picture is from Radiator Springs Racers.  We were right at the entrance where you get on, and I looked down.  I got so excited and grabbed my phone for a quick pic.  At least I could act like I was just looking at my phone this time.  lol

I have also found some examples at my home.  My son has a pirate ship that he takes in the tub, and it has a mast that can come out.  One night I realized it was in the shape of a hexagon.

I also found this oldie, but goodie in my husband's toolbox.

I will say that I do have a little restraint when taking pictures of hexagons.  I took my son to the bathroom a few weeks ago at an event we were at.  I looked down and saw the tiles were in the shape of hexagons.  I thought that taking pictures of the tiles in a public restroom were probably going just a tad bit too far.  lol

I leave you with a freebie.  This is a set of songs about 2D shapes and how many sides they have.  Click here to get your copy.  I hope that you can use them.  {Songs are sung to Do You Know the Muffin Man?}

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