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New Name & New Look

You might be thinking right about now, I don't remember ever following a blog called Teaching is Sweet.  You would be correct. Teaching Is Sweet did not exist until about 3:30 today. You may remember me as Mrs. Lattin's Kindergarten.  I was toying around with the idea of getting a new look and found Christi at Design by Christi.  She had an amazing portfolio!  I contacted Christi and in no time flat, a new blog design was in the works.  When I decided to do a new blog design, I decided to change up the name too.  So here we are - Mrs. Lattin's Kindergarten is now Teaching Is Sweet.  I hope that you stick around and enjoy the new blog design.  I love it!  Christi did an outstanding job!

I am going to post my Math Monday post on Tuesday.  I was just too excited to share my new name and blog design!

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[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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