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Currently & New Year's Resolutions

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful break from work!  I have had such a great, and dare I say lazy, break!  Being at home with my son is one of the best things ever.  He's starting to talk more (autism), and we have actually had some real conversations.  Makes this Mommy's heart melt.  :)

This year was the first year Colton really "got" Christmas which made everything even more magical.  This was his reaction when he got what he asked Santa for.  (Ok, really this is staged reaction.  I missed the original.  I got a new camera for Christmas, and my first try was blurry.  lol)

I am linking up with two wonderful blogs today.  The first one is with  Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the oh so famous Currently.  This is only my second Currently, but I love reading them every month.  It's always so much fun to read everyone's lists!  So without further ado, here is my Currently list for January.

Listening:  My son loves to play games on the "TV computer" as he likes to call it. Right now he is playing a Thomas game.

Loving:  I am flying back to Kansas on Wednesday to see my grandma.  A few weeks ago, I got a call from my dad saying that my grandma was very sick.  I was going to make an emergency trip back, but she got better and we decided that waiting until break would be ok.  I haven't seen Grandma in almost 5 years.  I'm so excited to see her!!!  I do have to admit though that I'm not excited about the weather.  I love how it says that Friday and Saturday are "warmer."  Um, no, 35 degrees is not "warmer".  That's just plain cold.   Or it might be that I've lived in Las Vegas too long.  lol

Thinking:  I really should be using this time off (or at least some of it) to prepare for these next few months.  Maybe tomorrow.  ;)

Wanting:  I am wanting some new jeans and boots.  I only wear jeans on Fridays and the weekends, so I don't buy them often, but they are definitely on the "want to buy" list.  I also want a cute pair of boots.  I might have to go out tomorrow and get some before I go where "warmer" is 35 degrees.  lol

Needing:  I really, really need to get back to the gym.  I honestly have not one excuse for not going.  It is literally 5 minutes from my house, and I have about 2 1/2 hours in the morning between the time my husband and son leave and when I try to leave for work.  No excuses Amy, no excuses.

One Little Word:  Patience - I need to remember to have patience with my husband, my son, my colleagues, my class, and myself.  I think that I need to really slow down and be more patient in every aspect of my life.

I am also linking up with Jen over at The Teacher's Cauldron  for a New Year's Resolutions Linky Party.

For this super fun linky party, Jen is asking bloggers to identify just two resolutions - one personal and one for blogging.

Personal:  My personal goal is to get my house organized this year.  Yesterday, I cleaned out my son's closet, and it felt so good!  I am not kidding when I say there were years and years of clothes in there.  Some clothes were 3T and 4T.  My son wears a 10 right now.  I was so disappointed that I let it get to that point.  Throughout the year, I want to gradually go through the whole house.  I know that this won't happen quickly, but I know if I stick to it, I can get this place organized.  :)

Blogging:  I want to set up a blogging schedule.  I know this may not seem like much to you, but it will be big for me.  I kind of feel like I haven't lived up to my expectations for my blog.  I found a great inspiration for a blog calendar on Pinterest (where else?  lol).  I want to use this as a starting point for my own blog calendar.

Original Source
Thank you to Farley and Jen for the great Linkys!

Thanks for stopping by on this last day of 2012!  I hope that you have a fun and safe New Year!

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  1. This blogging schedule is what's been on my mind lately too! I would love to get something like that together. And thank you for the reminder of patience. I often have a lot of patience at school, and it's almost as if when I get home I'm maxed out. I need to be better about that. All the best to you in 2013!

    Covered in Glitter and Glue 


  2. Don't you just love this time of year...when you get to spend time with family? Just found your blog through the linky and am your newest follower! :)

    Teaching Maddeness

  3. Love how your son melted his mommy's heart! They have a wonderful way of doing that! So happy you get to visit grandma soon, I love my grandmas, too. I have realized recently that they need us more than we realize, we bring so much sparkle to their lives, and that lifts their hearts!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  4. Patience is so hard for me - my mom always told me to NOT pray for patience, as that usually meant that I would be tested to build more. Best wishes! I'm your newest follower.

    I Love My Classroom

  5. A new pair of jeans and a cute boots can help anybody stick to their new years resolutions :0
    Enjoy your time with grams and best of luck with Kansas weather.
    Rock Stars At Work

  6. Family is the best thing about Winter break as far as I'm concerned. I’m your newest follower thanks to Currently.
    Teacher Gone Digital

  7. I'm a speech-pathologist (and a teacher), so the simple joys of meaningful conversation melt my heart too. Your son is adorable! I'm giving up my excuses for not going to the gym too. It's time. :)
    Funky First Grade Fun

  8. I love the blogging schedule idea! I feel the same way sometimes and think the schedule may help! Definitely going to check it out on Pinterest!! Found your blog through Farley's Currently and am a new follower! I'm always on the look out for Kindergarten blogs to follow!

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific


[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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