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Classroom Pics, A Sale, and a Freebie

I know, I know.  I didn't quite get back "later that week"  to post pics.  I'm sorry.  I have come to redeem myself with a freebie, and hopefully get back into the swing of things.  Hold on, this may be a little long.

First up are my classroom pictures.  These are pictures from the beginning of the year, so things have changed a little since 30 little Kinders have joined the room.  {Btw, my 30 little Kinders are the best.  I have a great class this year.  They are great listeners and are always trying their best.}

I have four crate seats for my computer table.  I am so proud of these!
They were a family affair.  My father-in-law cut the boards for me and
my husband upholstered them.  
My wall with my zebra paper.  (I had to add more papers after this picture.)
This was the first project up on the wall.  The students made Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star
This is my alphabet that I have up in my classroom.
I made number cards to match my alphabet cards.
I am loving my zebra and blue classroom!  My students seem to love it too!  I hope to show you even more pictures of my classroom soon.

Have you heard about the big Cyber Monday {and Tuesday} over at Teachers Pay Teachers?  Well, I am joining in and my entire store will be on sale for 20%.  TpT also has a code, cmt12, that will add an extra 10% for a total of 28% off.

Thanks to Ashley for the cute graphic!

Now, we will move onto the freebie. :)  I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We celebrated with my husband's family at our house.  My husband made the best deep fried turkey - yum, yum!  We also got back to an old tradition - s'mores.  For many years, my brother-in-law and I would make s'mores after our meal.  Well, we stopped when my son started walking.  This year we brought the s'mores back with a vengeance!  Colton got to roast his very first marshmallow, and we had so much fun!

In honor of bringing back the s'mores, I made a little sight word freebie.  Click on the picture to grab your copy.  I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for sticking with me!  I know I haven't been the best blogger, but I am going to try to be a better one.  See you soon!
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