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Organizing My Classroom Library Part 2

Yesterday, I posted about how to use the Classroom Organizer online.  Today, I am going to share with you how you can use an app on your smartphone to add books to your online library.

The very first thing that you have to do is, of course, download the free app from either Google Play {for Android phones} or from the iTunes Store {for iPhones}.  I have an Android so all of my pics will be from an Android phone, but I'm sure it doesn't look too different on an iPhone.

After you download the app, you can sign in and get started right away.

Once signed in, you will get a screen that looks like this. {Please ignore the fact that this screen shot looks a little different than the rest of the screen shots.  Apparently, I forgot to do this one last night and my husband updated my phone today.  lol}

You will need to find the bar code on the back or inside cover of the book.  Once you find it, you will need to hit the scan button.  You will also need to have a generic bar code scanner, but that is another free app.  {I want to thank my husband for taking the next picture.  It was hard to explain to him why I wanted a picture of me using my phone.  lol}

Once the bar code scanner recognizes the code, it should look like this.  Just as a warning, you may have to scan a couple times and sometimes it may not come up at all.  Those books that didn't come up with a title were just put into a second pile for me to manually enter the ISBN number in by hand.

Once you get a screen that shows a title, you just hit the Add to Library button and it will join your other titles in your library. Be careful to only hit the button once.  There were a couple times that I accidentally hit the button twice and it added two copies into my library.  It was easily corrected by going online and deleting the title and rescanning.

I hope this gives you more information on how to use the Classroom Organizer app.  I love using it!  Even though it doesn't add 100% of your books to your list, it does add enough to make it worth it for me.

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  1. LOVE this program!!! :) So easy to use!!

  2. Thanks so much for your informative posts about Booksource's Classroom Organizer, Amy! The Source appreciates your feedback!

  3. I am SO doing this!!! By the way, I have an Android phone (a Razr) and cannot take screen shots with my phone. Can you tell me how I can do that?


    1. Hi Stephanie! My husband said that for a Razr you need to hold the volume down plus the power button for about 2 seconds. Let me know if this works. :)



[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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