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My New Clip Chart and My First Award

Do you use the clip chart system?  I do and I love, love, love it!  I loved how I could reward good behavior instead of just focusing on the bad behavior from years past.  But there was a problem.  My clip chart from last year was very bulky.  Some of my little ones couldn't even reach the highest level.  They had to ask for help every time they reached red {the highest spot on my chart}.  I wish I had a picture to show you, but I didn't even take a picture of it before the end of the year.  So I decided to make me a new one for this year.  I even cutesified it.  {I'm pretty sure I just made up that word.  lol}

It will be so nice to have my students be able to reach each level.  I am so excited to hang this in my classroom this fall!

I want to thank Amy {what a great name btw} at Adventures In Teaching for my very first award!

Amy awarded me the Liebster Award.  

The rules for this award are:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to at least 5 blog who have less than 200 followers. 
4. Leave a comment on all of the blogs you have selected to let them know that you are passing on 
    this award.

Jaymie at Kinderbabies

Heather at Krazy About Kindy

Go check out these wonderful blogs!  You won't be sorry.  :)

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy! I just wanted to let you know that your "caught reading" pic is in TOP THREE!! I will have a voting page up on my blog for people to vote for their fav on Wednesday morning. You may want to do a quick post to have your followers go on over and vote for you! :) Thanks so much for joining my linky! I love your pic!
    Tori's Teacher Tips


[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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