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My Mini Shopping Spree and I've Been Caught Reading

I have been having such a wonderful time at the I Teach K conference this week!  I have seen so many great presenters and have learned so many things that I can bring right into my classroom.  I plan on doing a post about my highlights later in the week.

I have felt bad for all of the fellow Kindergarten teachers who have had to deal with the Las Vegas heat.  It's been very, very warm and when I say warm, I mean HOT!  My husband took this picture of his car yesterday.  Thankfully, the car I drive now doesn't have a thermometer.  I would rather not know.

Yes, that says 119.
Yesterday was the big blogger meet-up.  Unfortunately, I was unable to go.  We have dinner every Tuesday with my husband's family.  It's a nice time to relax and visit, and I don't like to miss it.  So anyway, after dinner was over, I did a mini shopping spree.  I haven't done a lot, well really any, school shopping this summer.  It's about time I started.  lol

First I went to Target to check out the Dollar Spot.  It's been a whole week since I've checked it out. {Trust me, that's a long time between visits during the summer.}

Here are my goodies I picked up.

Aren't those the cutest little containers?  I love that the ribbon and the inside of the containers are blue.  They match my classroom perfectly.  To be honest, I have a lot of the blue bowls at school, but it never hurts to have extra.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the cups, but I'm pretty sure that I will have to go back and get more.

The three black containers are magnetic. I plan to put them on my magnetic marker board near my teaching area to hold all of those little things that you always need, but can never find.  The blue strip is magnetic also.  I'm still trying to think of a great way to use it.  The duck tape was not in the  dollar spot, but I needed it none the less.  I just couldn't resist.  I mean it's blue with white polka dots - it matches everything else.  lol

The dollar spot also had these cute puzzles.  I love having puzzles available for my students to use in the classroom.

This is actually not for me.  I bought 3 of these for Colton's teacher and assistants as part of their end of ESY gifts.  Because Colton uses sign language, I thought these would be perfect for them.  There were several different pens that had the hands doing other things, but I can't remember what they were.

I then had to go to Staples to buy replacement cartridges for my printer.  For some reason, it seems like ink runs out so much faster when you print lots of stuff off.  Who knew?

As I was walking around I found these.

If you read my post on my favorite resources, you may remember that I said I loved Bic pens.  I also said I wished that I had some green ones.  I was so excited when I saw these last night!  My husband did not get my excitement when I showed them to him later.  I'm not quite sure why.  lol

I had so much finding things for my classroom last night.  I finally feel like I'm getting ready for the new year.  Shopping always does that for me.  :)

Tori over at Tori's Teaching Tips is having a very fun linky giveaway.

The idea is to get "caught" reading in different places.  Well, I knew I wanted to participate, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  That is until Saturday.  We decided at about 8 pm Friday to go to Disneyland for the weekend.  {Love annual passes.}  This is my entry for where I got caught reading.  {Please excuse how bad my hair looks.  We rode Splash Mountain right before this.}

Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland.

Try to think of a fun place to get caught reading and join in on her linky.  So much fun!
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  1. This is AWESOME Amy!!! I LOVE this! You are so serious which makes it all that much better :) I hope your book didn't get too wet :)
    Thanks SOOO much for joining the linky! I hope with your participation that more will link up too! :)
    Tori's Teacher Tips

    1. Oh my goodness... I just noticed your book choice too! So funny! :)

  2. Love the green pens!! I will be on the lookout for them. Thanks for sharing!

    Heather (

  3. Great dollar tree finds!! I love your "where I was caught reading" picture!! That's a great idea! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. Hi Amy...I am passing on an award to you. Please visit my blog to pick it up (and while you are there, enter my first giveaway.


[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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