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End of Year Portfolios {And Some Other Stuff}

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has entered into my giveaway!!!  I tried to thank everyone who wrote a comment personally, but blogger isn't letting me for some reason.  Not sure why...hmmm.  I'm going to try again later so hopefully it will work then.  If you have not entered yet, click the picture and it will take you there.  :)

Secondly, have you ever had one of those days that just feels weird?  Well, that was today for me. Even though I have already been off from school for a week, I haven't really had any "down" time.  Today made up for that.  I was at my house all by myself and it felt very strange.  My husband was at work {not so strange actually lol}, today was my son's first day of summer school, and my dog was getting her teeth cleaned.  I can't tell you the last time I was home alone.  It was just too quiet.  After teaching Kindergarten, one would think I would relish in the quietness.  Not me.  I couldn't wait to pick up my son from school and my dog  from the vet.  It feels normal in the Lattin household again - cartoons on and a dog barking.  :)  And just because I think my dog is the cutest thing ever, here's one of my favorite pics of her.  

Ok - I think I'm ready to write about what's in the title now that I've gotten all of that out of my system. :)

 I wanted to share the portfolios that I sent home with each student at the end of the year.  Every year, I save items that the students have completed throughout the year.  I usually just have the students color a manila folder and put everything in there.  This year I took the torn paper names projects that we did in September and stapled a plain piece of construction paper to the back.  It made a nice pocket for all of the projects I saved.  Here is an example of a portfolio that was stuffed and ready to go home.

I made sure to add the memory book that I blogged about here.  The books looked great bound together.  I love how different her August and April self-portraits looked.  :)

Here is a picture of all the other goodies inside the portfolio.  Just looking at the picture reminds me of all the fun we had this year.  From the torn paper apples we made in September to the flag hearts we made in May, all of the projects bring back so many great memories.  I could tell you a story about every piece of paper and project in there.  I hope the parents enjoyed looking through their child's work and were as proud of them as I am.  :)

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I shared my students' work with their parents.  I loved how they turned out!  How do you share your students' work at the end of the year?  I would love to hear what you do for your students.  

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