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A Whole Lot of Cuteness Going On

Today is Multicultrual Day at my school.  Each pod {group of about 8 classrooms} is given a continent to explore and then each class picks a country from that continent.  In the past, my classes has explored Italy, Brazil, and Ecuador.  The Kindergarten Hall {as we like to call ourselves} was given the continent of North America.  We focused on the United States and Canada.

We talked about the United States flag and the Statue of Liberty.  We made these flag hearts from Teri at A Cupcake for the Teacher.  {We had to modify it a little bit to fit what we had at school.  White construction paper at my school at this time of the year is a prize to be won.  I lost.  lol}  We also made Statue of Liberty pictures based on the directions from Deanna Jump.  I just love how both of the projects came out!  Everyone who saw our projects loved them too!

I love how each one is so original!

Our art teacher is from Canada so he wanted to do a project with the Kinders.  He had my students make beavers playing hockey.  My bestie's class made moose waving the Canadian flag.  We thought they turned out great!

I just love how the moose are singing Oh, Canada!

Here is another cuteness that happened earlier in the week.  My students were at play centers {I am so glad my principal still believes in play} and a little girl came up and asked what I wanted to eat.  I said a piece of pizza, a piece of cake, and 5 potato chips.  Now, I'm going to be honest.  I have absolutely no idea what food I have in the play kitchen, so I was expecting her to just bring me anything.  I kid you not, a few minutes later she came up to me and brought me this.

I loved how she made sure to have 5 potato chips!  The best part was that she had all three plates on one arm carrying them like a waitress!  She was so proud when she brought me my "food."  Love my Kinders!

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  1. My school still supports play centers too thank goodness! I believe they are so important! Love your pictures =)

    The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog

  2. We have been talking about "adopting" continents or countries throughout our school for a while and I just thought about how we can kick it off next year as a yearly thing... Thanks for some ideas!

    Jessica Stanford

    1. You're welcome! If you want to know any more information on what we have done, please feel free to ask. :)


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