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Smiles and a FREEBIE

After a rough week {listening apparently was an option this week lol}, Friday and Saturday brought me many smiles.  Friday was Field Day.  I love watching my students do all of the activities!  It's so much fun to see the students cheer each other on as they do the potato sack race or do the water cup race!  In the afternoon, we had popsicles.  So here begins my smiles.

1.  All of the students wanted us to read the jokes on the popsicle sticks.  Most of them were, let's say, quite lame.  One however made me and my bestie laugh.  I thought I would share it with you and maybe it will give you a laugh too.

What is a shark called once it becomes famous?
A star fish!

Ok, still a little lame, but it was better than the rest of the jokes.  lol

2.  I picked up a Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino on the way home from school - yummy!  I was very anti-Starbucks for years. {I dislike coffee.  Please don't hate me. lol}  I gave away gift cards and everything.  Then I found out about these.  What was I thinking all those years?  

3.  I went to a wedding Friday night {I still don't quite get the whole Friday night wedding thing}.  The bride was beautiful!  Loved, loved, loved her dress!  She works with my husband and texted him yesterday thanking us for coming.  How sweet is that?

4.  Colton finished his soccer season yesterday.  He plays in a league where the teams are made up of half "typical" children and half children with disabilities.  We are so proud of Colton!  He learned so much this season.  I appreciate that his coaches were so patient with him!

5.  My husband bought me tickets to see Wicked for my birthday!  I am so excited!  Being from Kansas, I have a love/hate relationship with the Wizard of Oz. {You can only hear "You're not in Kansas anymore" so many times before you go crazy! Ironically, that is the first thing my husband ever said to me when I met him.  Good thing he was cute.  lol}  I have heard so many good things about Wicked that I'm going to ignore the hate part.  The best part of it is that we got tickets for my actual birthday.  It will be end of my first week back next school year and I'm sure I will need a little relaxation.

Now onto the freebie.  I was reading Colton's new book Pirates Go to School.  This is seriously such a cute book! I came up with some activities that go with this book and decided to give as a freebie.  I hope you enjoy them! {A couple things look funky in the preview, but once it downloads it looks right.   Sorry about that. :) }

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  1. I'm not a big coffee person either! And those vanilla beans drew me into Starbucks a few years back :) Now I'm a starbucks-aholic!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
    My TpT Store

  2. Amy . . . glad I found you :). Our book fair is coming and I cannot wait to shop. We always take our classes for a little sneak-peek before Open House night and I get just as excited as they do.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  3. My fiance and I are buying tickets to Wicked at the Smith Center too!! I have never seen it before, I can't wait!

    Have a happy Sunday :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  4. I just found your blog and I am now following! Thanks for the cute freebie!
    Stop by my blog when you get a chance :)

    Miss Elementary


[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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