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Rockin' Resources Linky Party

I am excited to be linking up with Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory in her first linky party!

Here are my top 5 things I couldn't live without.

1.  My Elmo and Wireless Slate {Ok, so this is really 2 things} - I use my Elmo every single day in my classroom.  I love how my students can see exactly what I want them to do and how I want them to do it.  I also use my wireless slate every day.  I use the smartboard program to do my morning calendar. {I don't actually have a smartboard :( }   It is so much easier to use with the slate.  
Not my actual one , but mine is similar. 

2.  Lakeshore Learning - I know this isn't a "thing", but I just love this store.  I was so excited when a store opened here in the valley a few years ago.  {My husband was not as excited.  lol}  I love going and looking, and I love it even more when I go and buy.  My classroom is filled with items from Lakeshore Learning.  

3.  Starfall - I love how I can put my students at a computer with Starfall and not worry about what they might come across. 
4.  Scotch Thermal Laminator - I love that I can print things off at home, laminate them, and be ready for the next day.  I have had it for a few years, but I have just really started using it this year.  Love it!
5.  My Bic Pens - I know this is kind of silly, but these are my favorite pens.  I'm usually carrying one {sometimes two} around in my pockets.  I have them in blue, red, and purple.  I really want some green ones, but I'm not sure they make them.  I will have to look into that.  

Jump over to Teacher Idea Factory to see what other teachers can't live without.

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  1. Girl . . . you are awesome! Thank you so much for joining the par-tay! I just purchased that laminator on Friday and I can't wait to start covering everything I can get my hands on in plastic. Thanks again :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. I am getting ready to purchase my own laminator for home bc we have to send everything out to be laminated for school, and rarely get it back before a month! This might be a silly question, but can you cut the laminated objects after they go through that laminator? Does the laminant still hold up? This is the reason I have yet to jump into the purchase... I do a lot of cutting tiny laminated pieces!

    1. Hi Amber! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I cut stuff out all the time after I laminate it. If you look at my Garden ABC post, the cards in the pocket chart were cut out after being laminated. Each of my 24 Kinders used them and they still look like new. Hope this helps you make your decision. :) I love my laminator so much that my husband just set up a laminating station for me in our home office. :)


  3. I love Starfall, too! We got a membership to More Starfall this year from our PTA and the kids LOVE it! Glad I stopped by :) I am your newest follower!


  4. Your list is great. Your top 4 could have easily been on my list. I'll have to check out the pens the next time I'm at the store.



[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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