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Small Update

Hi!  Remember me?  I'm the blogger who said that one goal for 2014 was to blog at least once a week.  Apparently, I am bad at goals.  haha

Some of that yuckiness that I spoke about at the end of December followed me into 2014.  However, things have really been looking up this past week! So excited about all the good that is going on! 

I will be back tomorrow with Five for Friday.  I leave you with a picture that I will talk more about this weekend.  Have a super Friday!

P.S.  Don't forget to "like" my Facebook page.  You never know when a fan freebie might show up.  :)
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[name=Amy] [img=] [description=Hi! I am Amy, a primary teacher with over 20 years experience. I'm excited to share ideas, tips, and tricks to help make your teaching sweet!]

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