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Five For Friday

Happy Friday! I am so excited to link up again with Doodle Bugs for a good old fashioned Five for Friday!

We did a little addition practice by feeding penguins some fish.  My Kinders had so much fun practicing addition this way!  {And probably enjoyed eating the goldfish even more ;)}

We have been working on differing sounds in words.  I put together this little skills sheet for students to change up the word "cat".  We started off the lesson by reviewing what CVC meant.  We talked about how the vowel can only be in the middle of a CVC word.  The students then cut out and glued letters to make new words from cat, wrote out the words, and read their new words to me.  We did a similar page the next day.  I was so impressed with how well my students did!  They are reading CVC words like pros!  

Would this be something that you would be interested in as a freebie?

We started our Daily 5 this week.  This is where my students pick their Daily 5 choice by placing their picture next to a number.  As they finish one choice, they move their picture to their next choice.  It is a big change from what we have done previously, but I'm confident that we can get this down in no time at all!  I hope to soon show you how my classroom is set up now for our new adventure.

I received my 10 year pin this week from my school district.  If by any chance you teach in the same district, you know that this means I'm actually in my 12th year of teaching here. {Everyone gets their pins a year to two late.  lol}

I leave you with a funny.  The other day my son picked these books to read before bed.  Of course as he brought me them,  he started snickering!  {Love his sense of humor!}  Sadly, this is not the first time that Colton has brought me two copies of the same book from his bookcase.  I really should check before I buy him books.  lol

Have a great weekend!

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  1. I've found a couple of duplicates on our shelves too...and my children react the same way! I really like your setup for the Daily 5! I'm sure it will be great.

    1. I'm so glad that it doesn't just happen at my house! :)

      Thank you for the compliment! I am excited to get started!



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